Advice for visitors regarding your personal property and vehicles

As stated in our Terms & Guidelines, use of our site is at your own risk, and your personal property and/or any vehicles is your own responsibility. However, this page contains a compilation of general advice regarding the safety and security of yourself, your personal property and vehicles. Please note this is advice only and use of this information is at your own risk.

PLEASE ALSO REMEMBER: if you have ANY doubts about any situation, contact a member of staff or the security team immediately.


Cars, vans and other permitted vehicles: Please make sure to check that your vehicle is secured and locked when leaving it unattended. It's all too often something that's overlooked - particularly if you're out with the kids and everyone's excited!

Any windows, sunroofs or retractable roofs should be closed. Any property attached to any vehicle, such as roof boxes, can vaults, tools et should be secured. Any removable valuables should be removed or left out of sight, such as in the boot or under seats.


Cycles and scooters of any type should be left secured in a designated cycle storage area. It is not permitted to take cycles and scooters inside a venue or to lock them to bins, fences or other furniture. Security staff will not be able to store your bike/scooter for you. Also please do not attempt to leave them out of sight behind buildings - only staff are permitted to access these areas and personal items left behind buildings may be removed without notice.

It is recommended to secure bikes and scooters using at least one good quality keyed lock on the main part of the frame - this should ideally be a solid "U" or "D" style shackle lock or good quality chain. Please try to avoid using cable locks / combination locks alone as these are easily defeated (even expensive ones). These are primarily designed for securing accessories (such as quick release wheels).

NEVER leave cycles/scooters unattended and unlocked. Cycles and scooters should also be registered with a free account at and/or which enables any recovered items to be reunited with their owners.


Personal property, such as mobile phones, jewellery, wallets, bags and coats should always be kept on your person or at least within view - even inside a venue. If you need to leave them such as when using the toilet, leave them with someone you trust, or you can even ask a member of venue staff to help.

Always be aware of your surroundings and others in the vicinity. Ensure any drinks are not left unattended. If using your card (especially at an ATM), ensure other people don't see you entering your PIN.